Medical Science On-line Open Peer Review Journal

Welcome to the Cybernetics Institute - Medical Science On-line Open Peer Review Journal. A new type of on-line science journal. This new type of science journal replaces the "peer" review journal with an open review journal that allows comments and critique from anyone. This change allows potential valuable insight from the public.

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I'm a new type of scientist that is not specific to one discipline - a mulitdisciplinary scientist. The theory (that was my PhD thesis) is published here; . The medical science aspect of the theory is located at; ( and qualifications are set under the new global irb/fda (institution review board/food & drug admin)and are based on more that 6 years of medical research. (

Editor: Dr. Daniel Carras, PhD, DMSc, MD
Publisher: Akadhmia University Press
ISSN # 1715-3050
Vol.2, October 2007

Friday, September 09, 2005

Weekly Lab Journal

  1. After about a month redesigning the journal, we're back with this new feature. This feature allows the reader to peek inside the lab journal and see the work, as it progresses. A kind-of reality TV view of medical science. The goal for ordinary people, interested in medical science, to see what really goes on and the volume of work done by a researcher/scientist.

    As for our website, as content grows, the site is split into sections (sub sites) specific to that content. To this effect;

    1. The free public healthcare being developed under the department of health section of the medical science site has now become; The Good Samaritan Online Medical Clinic
    2. The donation section has now become The Medical Science Fund
    3. This change in content and structure means a major up grade of the main medical science site. The main site will focus soley on medical science. This means that both the Department of Health and the IRB will be set-up under itsown subdomain;

  2. Work continues in both medical studies and clinical studies.
    1. The general healthcare medical and clinical study was moved into full clinical use and will be monitored for the next 5 years. To ensure quality and progress is maintained, updates and progress reports will be posted to the journal every quarter, starting with the end of third quater (the end of September 2005).
    2. The infectious diseases study now has two phases; the medical study phase and clinical study phase. The air borne infectious disease is in clinical study with good results in improving immune response. Non air borne infections are still in medical study. While there has been no flu infections, there have been mouse exposure infections (occured after accidental exposure to mouse urine) that have been treated successfully, along with a clear display of improved immune response (fever did not go above 99 - 0.02 degrees above normal).
    3. The allegery study, has also produced excellent results - so far. No medication required and no significant reactions. General air borne allergen response response time was under 5 minutes. The longest (but mild - watery eyes and sneezing) reaction lasted only 5 minutes after field exposure to rag weed on a hike. Reaction, after walking through field, did nots top the hike. Reaction types;
      1. mild - short term does not affect work or activity
      2. mild(Rx) - A more serious reaction requiring medication to stop (control) the reaction, but not disabiling.
      3. periodic(Rx) - the type of reaction requires periodic medication (up to a week in length)
      4. continous(Rx) - reactions are continuous and requires medication for the full allergy season (spring, summer, fall)
      5. serious(Rx) - although taking medication all season, allergies persist and are disabling.
      6. fatal(Rx) - requires medication (epi pen) to prevent death
    4. The Osteo science study has produced good results in clinical practice. Our prognosis of recovery of a hip replacement surgery was very accurate. Many such surgeries require secondary and tertiary surgeries due to improper recovery and physio pace. Patients expectations of recover can push the patient to re-injure the muscle and as such, require more surgery to repair the muscle damage. Other issues include patient compliance, keeping the patient focused on proper recover is difficult to achieve and all patients will deviate from the doctors perscription - particularly patients with medical knowledge. These patients will, properly and improperly, self-medicate themselve. Meaning they will alter the doctors medication perscription, as they see fit.


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